Introducing New Online Courses in Mind & Brain Science

I am teaching cognitive neuroscience courses online in which we examine scientific evidence supporting dynamic brain aspects. We've been immersed in developing foundational resources for curriculum with a focus on the fundamentals of the human mind and brain.

Yes, that's me in the photos below, discussing The Developing Brain & Consciousness with neuroscientist David Edelman and Dr. Jay Giedd, a clinical neuropsychiatrist and head of Adolescent Psychiatry at UCSD and Rady Children’s Hospital. For more than twenty years, National Institute of Mental Health neuroscientist Dr. Jay Giedd has studied the development of the adolescent brain. Decades of imaging work have led to remarkable insight and a more than a few surprises, all of which we discuss candidly and in depth.

3D image of a white human brain on white background with course details and a male teacher sitting at a table with his laptop

Throughout my career, I have been deeply influenced by the need to bring the study of consciousness back into the scientific fold.

In the mid-20th century, behaviorism dominated psychology, dismissing consciousness as an unobservable and thus unscientific phenomenon. However, I believed that understanding consciousness was crucial for a complete picture of the human mind.

Three neuroscientists discussing consciousness and the brain at a table

Thankfully, the fundamental topic of consciousness has made a spectacular return in medicine and brain science, and therefore, also, the psychological sciences.

We now have over 40 years of significant scientific research on the role of the conscious brain and how it relates to emotions, cognitions, development, and language that we can envision an integrated conception of the human mind, combining the humanities and the sciences.

Gain a deeper understanding of some of the most definitive evidence in medical science.

Advance your current knowledge with university level on-demand courses in conscious cognition and the brain. Learn with some of the world’s leading thinkers in the scientific study of consciousness and the brain - all at your convenience and according to your own schedule, because Baarslab courses are fully accessible 24/7 online.

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University Level Courses About Conscious Cognition & The Brain

As you complete these video lessons, you will have gained a deeper understanding of some of the most definitive evidence in medical science about cortical connectivity and the complexities of the living brain.

Check Out Our BaarsLab Courses Highlights Reel:

In this learning journey, you will:

  • Recognize how changes in observable brain activity offer clues as to the nature of consciousness.

  • Learn the importance of functional connectivity in the behavioral expression of the brain.

  • Gain insights into the levels of consciousness in other animals with different anatomy.

  • Discover some of the brain methods used to study conscious and unconscious functions and understand their limitations.

  • Understand some of the brain regions associated with conscious, voluntary, and unconscious events in the brain.

  • Develop your knowledge of historical advancements in science and medicine.

  • Explore contemporary ideas about cortex and its role in waking and sleep.

Plus when you enroll, you get a digital edition of my latest work “On Consciousness: Science & Subjectivity” (all 900+ illustrated pages)!

We hope you will find our unique multimedia courses stimulating, useful, and fun and I encourage you to consider enrolling. Teaching is a lifelong passion for me and I've missed it in my life -- this experience of true creative pleasure and connection with an unexpected bonus of learning from others in the exchange. If you are an educator, therapist, mentor, coach, or student, perhaps many of you can appreciate this uplifting experience?

Kindly share this post with anyone that is curious and interested in the mind & brain sciences. And please let me know what you think and if you have any questions. I’d love to hear your feedback about your class experience :)

We hope you enjoy these compelling conversations and new multimedia courses, with our warmest wishes.

Bernie & the Baars Lab Team 💛

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